On Fri, 2005-07-29 at 12:25 +0200, klaus schmirler wrote:
> Steven Kladitis wrote:
> > I have openoffice 1.9.117 and I have a quesion about
> > typingin a document using multiple languages.
> If you are indeed asking about typing and the different language 
> specific characters: OOo leaves that to the operating system. I 
> understand that Linuxes have a Combine Key that e.g. lets you type a 
> trema and then a vowel for öäü, and maybe s+s for ß. All this assuming 
> that you use some keyboard with Latin characters. For Russian, it's 
> then probably best to change the keyboard layout altogether; you'll 
> have to learn it blind.
> For a spellchecker to recognize the language you are using, you'd 
> define a style for every language. I had assumed this was only 
> available in paragraph, but you dan indeed change the language by 
> character, which would work for singel words.

Klaus is correct but you might find the resources in
documentation.openoffice.org HOW-TOs and Third Party useful. e.g.
special characters and Thessalonika.
OpenOffice.org Documentation Co-Lead

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