>      It is not as hard as you might think. However, the month, day, and 
 > year that you enter probably needs to be in the same order as the 
 > format for that cell or column. As in your example, having the year 
 > formated last and the entering the year first will not work.
 >      However, I have done the following in a calc sheet: format column A 
 > as MMM DD, YYYY. I have entered  MM/DD, and it was changed to MMM DD, 
 > 2005. I have also entered MM/DD/4, and it was changed to MMM DD, 2004.

Thanks--I'll give that a try.

 >      I am curious. Why would you want to have the dates as MMM DD, YYYY 
 > when you are use to working with YYYY/MM/DD?

A strange mix of readability, old habits, and speedy keyboarding.

I've been punching dates in to spreadsheets via YYYY/MM/DD for longer than I 
care to remember, and to this day it's still faster for me to rattle one off on 
the number pad than it is to mix alpha month names or abbreviations with 
numeric days & years.  ...but for at-a-glance reading in this case, I find MMM 
DD, YYYY easier on the eyes.  Everyone has their eccentricities; this happens 
to be one of mine.  :-)

 >      I think I have found a very good solution, although it requires 
 > using an extra column. Format Column A with the following user defined 
 > format code: YYYY/MM/DD. Format Column B with this format: MMM DD, 
 > YYYY. Enter this into cell B1:  
 > =value(A1)

Nice!  Given that I've used similar tricks before, why I couldn't come up with 
that one myself is beyond me.


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