[multiposted to ooo4trans]

G'day everyone

I have a few questions regarding custom dictionaries in OOo.

I can create a custom dictionary from within OOo, but I can only add one
word at a time.  I tried to find that newly created dictionary on my
hard drive, but to no avail.  I can't figure out where OOo saves the
custom dictionary (and under what name).  Can anyone enlighten me?

Are the autocorrections saved as an accessible file anywhere?  Again, I
can add autocorrections one by one, but I'd like to add a whole bunch of
them (roughly 2500 of them).  I can add them using an AutoIt script,
because 2500 won't take that long to add.  I suppose I could add them
using an OOo macro, but I don't know the OOo macro language.

The custom dictionary I'm planning on adding, however, contains 350 000
words, so no AutoIt script is going to do the trick, unless I'm willing
to run the script for a few days non-stop.  Surely one can add a custom
dictionary to OOo in the same or similar way as adding a custom
dictionary in MS Word (by simply adding the DIC file to the correct

I also have trouble creating a new MySpell language file.  AFAIK it
should be possible to just have any old zip file, add a file named
"spell.txt" in it with the content:
 >> ln, LN, ln_LN, Language (Language), file.zip <<
and have the spelling dictionary as a standard DIC file zipped as
file.zip in the same directory.  But this doesn't work... OOo doesn't
"see" the new language, even though the dictionary installer wizard
reports no errors.  But this is secondary... I can piggyback my custom
dictionary on top of an existing installed language file.

My main questions are:
1.  about the custom dictionary
2.  about the autocorrections file


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