Bill Flanagan wrote:
Some EPS files contain a TIFF thumbnail for display, some don't. How does the printed page look? (not the screen preview)

I have a similar problem as does the original poster, but with Impress. If I import an EPS file generated by gnuplot 4.0, I also see a box with red text describing the file. As I wish to use Impress for a live presentation, I don't have the luxury of printing - the file must be able to be viewed on the screen. When I go to the slide show view, it still shows the box and the red text instead of expanding the EPS file.

Is there a special characteristic that EPS files must have in order to be usable with OpenOffice? Is there a configuration setting in order to cause EPS files to always be interpreted that isn't on by default?

I'm using OpenOffice 2.0.2, and the EPS file is created with the Windows version of Gnuplot 4.0, with just

set terminal postscript eps
set output "test.eps"
splot 'data.dat'

I know the EPS file is valid as I can open it successfully with GSview 4.8.



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