I installed OOo and Jave JRE. Opened an Access database in Base successfuly.

My procedure:
1. Open base/recently used/new database(=Access one).
2. Click on open
3. Open/New database.odb/click open
4. New database/OOo Base
5. click on queries Three queries come up in *black*
6. Click on Wizard
7. Query Wizard appears. The table required appears and all available fields appear. 8. Everything works OK and the query result appears and can be dragged to Writer.

If I close OOo, and then reopen Base, and follow the above proceduure, at step 5 the queries appear g*reyed out a*nd no further progress can be made. This resullt (greyed out queries) appears on every subsequent attempt, and no query can be entered.

Is this a bug?

Michael Ackland

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