You tried to install the X11User.pkg from your install disk?
Mine, after mounting, had the path:
/Volumes/Mac OS X Install Disc 1/System/Installation/Packages/X11User.pkg

Is this the one which failed for you? I believe some people have had trouble if 
they didn't use the one which came with the Mac, and instead downloaded another 
X11 package.


lord.gamlet wrote:
> <div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">I am
> running a Macpro (intel bassed) I can not install X11-- I get a
> message stating that 'newer software is already installed' and it
> won't allow me to install X11.  I don't see anything installed that
> will work.
> Openoffice will not start.
> please advise.
> Thank you
> Mike Corbett
> </div>

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