The short of it: at random times, my document gets reformatted, with
many page breaks added.  Sometimes they go away on their own, while
other times I have to remove a few (and the rest go away on their own.

The long of it: I have a largish Writer document (450+ pages) that I
intend to export to a PDF.  It has a TOC and many (200+) footnotes,
and text in Header 1, Header 3 and Default formatting.  As I am
working cleaning things up, the currently displayed page will
blink/redraw about once a second, and on each blink, the page count
will go up by one.  The displayed page won't change, nor will the
current page number, but further down in the document, some kind of
page breaks are being added, which I will see if I move down.
Typically, these breaks are at the end of a line, but in the middle of
a paragraph.  This might turn my 450 pages into 500, or into as many
as 750.

At times, if I do nothing, (i.e. let Writer sit idle) or continue with
my edits, the breaks will disappear, and the page count will instantly
drop back down to 450.  Other times, it will stay like that
indefinitely, and I'll need to go find one of the breaks and change
something in the paragraph; then the breaks will vanish and the doc
will go back down to 450 pages.

I'm fairly new to OOo, so I certainly may have done something odd.  I
cut and pasted the text in (i.e. most of it wasn't typed into Writer).
This is in OOo 2.0.4, under Ubuntu 6.10.


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