* /I am using version2.1 of OpenOffice.org. My problem isthat I
can't install the program because in the middle of the installation
the message " Internal error 2755.1601" appears and the programs
doesn't installs. Please give me any tips tips to solve this./


Hello Juan,

Different possibilities come to mind:
• check whether you have the latest update of the MSI installation program
(from Microsoft)
• sometimes the anti-virus and firewall complain against installing
To solve this: disconnect from internet (physically disconnect the cable),
desactivate your anti-virus and firewall.
Now you should be able to install OpenOffice.org as described in the How-To
Before linking up again with the internet, don't forget to reactivate
anti-virus and firewall program

using dutch OOo 2.2 RC 2 on a iMac Intel DualCore Tiger
and dutch OOo 2.2 RC 2 on a G4 PPC Powerbook Tiger
-- please reply only to users@openoffice.org --
Dodoes can't afford to have headaches

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