On 08/01/2007 11:27 PM, Simon wrote:
> When I save a webpage in OOWriter/Web as an HTML document
> the images don't get saved. When I open teh saved HTML file
> it contains no images, just the text.
> In MS Word, the images get saved in a separte folder that is
> created when you save your webpage.
> How do I save my webpage in OOWriter/web properly so that
> the images get saved also?

I'd recommend that you use Kompozer: http://www.kompozer.net/
It is also open source and is available for linux, windows, and max osX.

You can use that to create or get the webpage (including images), then
save. You can also do all of your editing, publishing, etc., directly in
Kompozer. Then if you still want to use Writer for your html, all of the
files including images will be available.

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