On 06/08/07, Massimo Lombardo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i'have this problem:
> when i install open office in my  Pc with W98 Se, every time i start the
> PC,
> open office ask me to compile the registration form, as the PC "dont'
> remeber" the previous operation.
> Max
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Try this.

Shut down OpenOffice *and* the Quickstarter (that's important).

Navigate to the folder C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application

where "<username>" is your Windows logon user name.

In that folder is a file name "Setup.xcu".

Rename this file to something that does *not* end with ".xcu", for
example "Setup_xcu.old".

Start OpenOffice. You might be faced with the registration question. If
so, click "already registered". Shut down OpenOffice.

Now you should be in good shape; the registration question should not
happen again.

You may now delete the file you renamed above; a new Setup.xcu will have
been created - leave it as is.

Note. The above procedure was copy/pasted from the answer to the same
question from another user. I'm not sure if the *exact* path is correct for
Win 98 (and I have no way to find out).  The "setup.xcu" file is what's
important so, if the exact path is wrong, just try to find setup.xcu and
then go from there.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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