On 27 Jun 2008 at 15:22, Ennio-Sr wrote:

> * mike scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [270608, 08:04]:
> > [...]
> > There's the clue. /Your/ ISP's mail server has rejected a list email 
> > because of a  suspected virus; OOo list software is nice enough to 
> > warn you of problems with rejected mail. It's your own admin you need 
> > to be asking, I'm afraid.
> > 
> Hi Mike,
> just to be sure I understand well what you said, would you mind to
> clarify what is the relationship between "..your own admin.." (that I
> suppose is the 'admin' of the single PC or network receiving the mail)
> and "Your ISP's mail server" (which supposedly is the external provider
> of the internet service)? 
> In other words, when messages are bounced, whose mail server is
> responsible, my own or my ISP's (i.e. tin.it in my case)?

I was assuming your ISP would be running the mail server.

More precisely, a list message is sent from the OOO list manager to 
you. Assuming a single hop only, the OOo list mail server will try to 
send the message to whichever mailserver is handling your mail. If 
that rejects (bounces) the mail, the OOo server will put the response 
from that server into another mail message and send that to you as a 
warning of problems.

(If /that/ warning message bounces as well, it's likely to forcibly 
unsubscribe you, on the grounds that the address doesn't work.)

So what you're seeing is the OOo list server telling you the reason 
given by "your" mailserver when the latter wouldn't accept a previous 

I don't think I can explain more clearly.........

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