
I see 'unexpected exception' kind of error in log attached.  For more clarity, 
please attach vdsm.log, gluster log and gluster version info(rpm -qa | grep 


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Andrei Vakhnin" <andrey.a.vakh...@nasa.gov>
> To: users@ovirt.org
> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 3:00:36 AM
> Subject: [Users] oVirt 3.1 - Glusterfs volume error
> Hello
> I am unable to create a new 2 node replicate gluster domain using
> Create Volume option in Ovirt 3.1 (RHELs 6.3). I changed ownership
> or /brick1 (chown -R 36.36 /brick1) already and I was able to start
> and mount volume using native glusterfs client. Thanks
> Here is a vdsm.log
> 2012-08-23 17:27:05,955 WARN  WARN
>  [orgg.oovirt.engine.coree.dal..job.ExxecutioionMMessaggeDiirecttor]]
> ((ajpp--- [477dff144ccc] The  meessagge key
> CCreeateGluustterVolume  iss misssing froom
>  bundlees/ExeccuttionMessaages
> 2012-08-23 17:27:05,997 INF INFO
>  [org.ovirtt.eenggine.ccorre.bll.ggluuster.CreaateeGllusterVolumeCommannd]]
> (ajp---0..0..0.0-8009-2) [[477df14cc]] RRunnning commmand:and:
> CreateGlussterVooluumeCoommmannd intterrnal: false. Enntitiess
> affected :   ID:  3557aa7f3e-e8e4--11e1--8aab2-0002155edbb2c8 Type:
> VdsGrrouups
> 2012-08-23 17:27:07:06,0001 IINFOO
> [org.ooviirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.gluster.CreatteGllussterVoolumeVDSCCommmand]
> ((ajp-- [47dff14cc]  START,
> CreatteGlusterVolumeVDSCommand(vdsId =
> 1b0f7ade-e8e7-11e11-88555f-000215edbb2c8), log id215edbb2c8), log
> id: 3faaaa1b1b1a
> 2012-08-23 8-23 17:2727:06,6,0677 ERRROOR
> [ororg..oviirt.t.enggine.ccoree.vdsbrbrokeker.vdsbsbrrokerer.BrokkerCCommandBaase]]
> (aajp---  [47dff14ccc]  Faiiledd in
> CCreaateGluusterVoVolumeVVDS meethood
> 2012-08-23 17:27:06,068 ERROR
> [org.ov.ovirt.t.engine.e.core.vdsbrokerer.vddsbrokeker.BBrokkerCCommmanddBasse]
>  (ajjp--- [447df144cc]] Errrorr coode
> unenexpecteted a and errrror  messaage VDSDSGeneneriicExcepeptiion:
> VVDSErrrorExcceptionon:  Failileded too
> CreaateGlusterlusterVoluumeVVDS, , erroror == Unexpepecteded
> excxceptition
> 2012-08--08-23 117:227:066,070 E ERROR
> [oorg..ovirirt.eenginine.corore.vdvdsbrooker.r.VDSCCommmandBBasee]
> (a(ajp--- [4747df1414cc] ] CoCommanand
> CrreateteGlussterVolumrVolumeVDSDS exeecutition f failled. .
> Exceeptiion: : VDSSErrororExcxceptiion:: VDSSGennericcExcceptition:
> : VDSESErrororExceceptioion:  Failed  to
>  CreeateeGlussterrVolulumeVVDS, errrror  = UnUnexpepected
> eexceptioon
> 2012-02-08-23 23 17:7:27:006,07171 INFO
> [orgrg.ovirvirt.enginngine.coore.vdsbrokerr.gluuster.r.CreateeGlususterVrVolumumeVDSSCommmandd]
> (a(ajp--- [) [47dff14cccc] FIINISH,SH,
> CrereateGGlussterVrVolumumeVDSDSCommmmand,, log og id: : 3faaaa1b1aa
> 20122-08-8-23 17 17:27:006,07072 ERERROR R
> [ororg.ovirovirt.ennginene.corore.bll.g.glustester.CrreateGteGluststerVolVolumeeCommammand]
> ] (ajpp-- [447df114cc]c] Commmand nd
> org..ovirt.e.enginine.corcoree.blll.gluluster.er.CreaateGlGlusteterVololumeCeCommanmand
> ththrow w Vdc c Blll excxceptiion. . Withth errorror message
> VdcBLLExcedcBLLException: on:
> org.org.ovirt.enginet.engine.corcore.vdsbrodsbroker.vd.vdsbroker.Vroker.VDSErrorErrorException:
> Vption: VDSGenericenericExceptioneption:
> VDSErrorDSErrorExceptioneption: Failed ailed to
> CreCreateGluGlusterterVolumumeVDSS, ererror =r = Unnexexpectcted
> eexcepteption
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