
Maybe this will help. I create a note, how remove and install a new 
installation on RHEVM 3.1: 

Remove / Uninstall RHEVM & VDSM (clear old installation) 

#### Manager: #### 

yum -y remove rhevm* vdsm-bootstrap 

rm -rf /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine* 
rm -rf /var/log/ovirt-engine/server* 
rm -rf /tmp/* 

yum clean all 

*** Clean PostgresSQL *** 
psql -U postgres -l 
dropdb -U postgres engine_2012_06_26_10_20_21 
psql -U postgres -l 

#### Host #### 

service vdsmd stop 
# service libvirtd stop 
initctl stop libvirtd 
service libvirtd status 
# initctl status libvirtd 

### yum remove libvirt* vdsm* qemu* sanlock* 
yum -y remove *vdsm* *libvirt* *qemu* *sanlock* jpackage* vdsm-python* 
rm -rf /etc/libvirt/DC-04 
rm -rf /var/lib/libvirt/ 
rm -rf /var/log/vdsm/ 
## rm -rf /var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log* 
## rm -rf /var/log/vdsm/libvirt.log* 
rm -rf /tmp/* 

yum clean all 
# yum makecache 

### Disconnect all iSCSI sessions: 
iscsiadm -m session 
iscsiadm -m session -u 
iscsiadm -m node 
iscsiadm -m node -o delete 
iscsiadm -m session 
iscsiadm -m node 

### umount PosixFS 
ls -l /rhev/data-center/mnt/\:_vol1_ 
umount /rhev/data-center/mnt/\:_vol1_ 

----- Original Message -----

> From: "Andres Gonzalez" <tuc...@gmail.com>
> To: "Dave Neary" <dne...@redhat.com>
> Cc: users@ovirt.org
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 10:23:12 PM
> Subject: Re: [Users] [oVirt 3.1] reinstallation

> On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 6:39 AM, Dave Neary < dne...@redhat.com >
> wrote:

> > Hi,

> > On 10/11/2012 03:52 AM, Andres Gonzalez wrote:

> > > I'm trying to reinstall but when I execute: engine-cleanup I get
> > > the
> > 
> > > following errors:
> > 

> > <snip>

> > > Stopping ovirt-engine service... [ ERROR ]
> > 

> > > Error: Couldn't connect to the database server.Check that
> > > connection
> > > is
> > 
> > > working and rerun the cleanup utility
> > 
> > > Error: Cleanup failed.
> > 
> > > please check log at
> > 
> > > /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine- cleanup_2012_10_10_23_38_30. log
> > 

> > I had the same issue and found out what the problem was by looking
> > in
> > the oVirt start-up logs - the issue was that the database was not
> > starting, because of an operating system setting (which I
> > documented
> > in http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/ Troubleshooting in the section "I am
> > having trouble connecting to the database. In the system log, I get
> > the following message from Postgres").

> > The issue is that SHMMAX is set low on Fedora 17 by default, and
> > you
> > need to increase it.

> > Let me know if this is the problem, or whether this is a different
> > issue for you.

> > Thanks,
> > Dave.

> Hi Dave,

> I changed the values according to the wiki but stills happens the
> same error.

> Regards.
> Andres

> --

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Thank you and best regards 

Vladimir Vyazmin 
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Email: vvyaz...@redhat.com 
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