Hi René,

Tanks for your help. I've tried in the direction you pointed and I was
able to share the bond among other tagged networks. One of the problems
would be how to edit ovirtmgmt network now that it's created, I just
can't find in the way to do it by the web. I've tried starting a hole
new datacenter, but it creates the network and disables all changes.
Thus, I can't mark the ovirtmgmt network as tagged and add other tagged
networks to the bond.
I can't tag the management network neither not use it, so I'm kind of
stuck again.

On 08/05/13 11:51, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> Hi,
> first of all welcome to the oVirt project.
> Did you configure vlan tagging for your ovirtmgmt network?
> If you're using vlan tagging on (bonded) interfaces in oVirt you have to
> add a vlan tag to all logical networks - can't mix tagged and untagged
> logical networks.
> e.g (same for bonds as well):
> Name - VLAN    - Network Name
> eth0 - eth0.10 - ovirtmgmt
>        eth0.11 - lan1
>        eth0.12 - lan2
> Hope this helps.

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