I’m trying to move from ESXi to KVM/OVIRT.   To attach an ISO to a CDROM under 
ESXi, I just have to add the NFS share with all my ISOs, then go to the CDROM 
and attach one of the ISO images and away I go.

Under OVIRT, it seems like I have to create yet another datastore, use 
engine-iso-upload which will create yet another copy of the ISO, before I can 
attach it to a virtual CD device.

Please tell me I missed something in my hours of searching that this isn’t 
true, that I don’t really have to duplicate each ISO that I already have on a 
NAS NFS share, to yet another copy that OVIRT can use.

There also doesn’t seem to be a nice way to take a disk image and simply click 
“add to inventory” like I can with ESXi, that I have to use image uploader to 
create yet another copy of the image and wait for it to copy a 100G file before 
I can create a VM out of it.

Thanks for any suggestions on making this process easier.

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