On 12/04/2013 12:19 AM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:
On 16/10/13 00:22, Itamar Heim wrote:
On 10/15/2013 10:31 AM, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:

I am doing a POC of RHEV 3.2 VDI for a customer. Their users are
located in an IPA server, and
RHEV and IPA has been connected using rhevm-manage-domains.

During the POC we discovered that users which have expired password
cannot log on. They receive an
Incorrect password error message.

1. They should at least receive a Your password has expired error
instead of the Incorrect
password error message as this is confusing for the user.

3.3 has the motd to provide some info/url to IPA password changing.

I've installed 3.3 as a test and I can see that it's now correctly
advising the user that his password has expired. But it does not provide
the user with an option to change his/her password.

2. This creates a problem, as every time a password is reset in IPA,
it's automatically set to be
expired so the user will change password at next logon.

Is there a way around this?

use the IPA web form to change the password by the user.

This is a manual process for the user to be aware of and will generate
calls to the helpdesk. I believe it would create a much better user
experience to allow the password to the changed as a part of the login

Or adding an option to work the same way as our current Secure Global
Desktop solution allows us to do; Logging in the user with the expired
password, and then the password is being changed as a part of the login
procedure to the Linux Desktop.

And this is a scenario that will be coming up often, as that every time
a new user is added or a password is reset for an existing user in Red
Hat IdM, the password is set to be expired so that the user is forced to
change it on next logon, and no option is provided in Red Hat IdM to
work around this.

In our environment the users who will use the Linux VDI solution through
the User Portal will be using a Windows desktop and this will be their
only link into the Linux environment where they're required to log on
using a username and password from Red Hat IdM.

the problem is each authentication provider has a different method to change password (no standard for this). as a first step, we added in 3.3 the motd option (message of the day), you can use that to put a text specifying in case of password expirtaion to use the IPA web url.

we'll another tweak to manage domains, to allow specyfing the password expirtation web form change url per domain, and show it for password expirtaion.

then we can look about actually supporting this for specific providers.

I would like to see the user being able to log on the User Portal
with the expired password, and
then he will be asked to change his password as usual once he's
logging into his Linux VDI

for ovirt, open a BZ for an RFE to show expired password and link to
web page for changing it.
for rhev, open a support ticket to get proper tracking, etc.


A ticket has been opened for RHEV referencing the BZ above.




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