
I'm giving the new hosted-engine feature a try with the new 3.4.0 alpha
build on centos 6.5

hosted-engine --deply seems to fail at the 'Environment setup"
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Environment setup': Command
'/sbin/service' failed to execute

Within the logs I believe it seems to be related to vdsm. Logs show  "VDS
daemon is not running"

service vdsm start gives the following error:

initctl: Job is already running: libvirtd
vdsm: Running mkdirs
vdsm: Running configure_coredump
vdsm: Running run_init_hooks
vdsm: Running gencerts
vdsm: Running check_is_configured
libvirt is already configured for vdsm
sanlock service is already configured
vdsm: Running validate_configuration
SUCCESS: ssl configured to true. No conflicts
vdsm: Running prepare_transient_repository
vdsm: Running syslog_available
vdsm: Running nwfilter
vdsm: Running dummybr
vdsm: Running load_needed_modules
vdsm: Running tune_system
vdsm: Running test_space
vdsm: Running test_lo
vdsm: Running restore_nets
vdsm: Running unified_network_persistence_upgrade
Usage: /usr/bin/vdsm-tool [options] <action> [arguments]

Valid options:
  -h, --help

Commands in module configurator:
  configure                Configure external services for vdsm
  is-configured            Determine if module is configured
  validate-config          Determine if configuration is valid

Commands in module dummybr:
  dummybr                  Defines dummy bridge on libvirt network.

Commands in module load_needed_modules:
  load-needed-modules      Load needed modules

Commands in module nwfilter:
  nwfilter                 Defines network filters on libvirt

Commands in module passwd:
  set-saslpasswd           Set vdsm password for libvirt connection

Commands in module restore_nets:
  restore-nets             Restores the networks to what was
                      previously persisted via vdsm.

Commands in module seboolsetup:
  sebool-config       Enable the required selinux booleans
  sebool-unconfig     Disable the required selinux booleans

Commands in module service:
  service-disable          Disable a system service
  service-is-managed       Check the existence of a service
  service-reload           Notify a system service to reload
  service-restart          Restart a system service
  service-start            Start a system service
  service-status           Get status of a system service
  service-stop             Stop a system service

Commands in module transient:
  cleanup-transient-repository     Cleanup the unused transient disks
                              present in the repository.     (NOTE: it
                              is recommended to NOT execute this
                              command when the vdsm     daemon is
  setup-transient-repository     Prepare the transient disks

Commands in module unified_persistence:
  upgrade-unified-persistence     Upgrade host networking persistence
                             from ifcfg to unified if the
                             persistence model is set as unified in

Commands in module upgrade:

Commands in module upgrade_300_networks:
  upgrade-3.0.0-networks     Since ovirt-3.0, Vdsm uses libvirt
                        networks (with names vdsm-*) to store     its
                        own networks. Older Vdsms did not have those
                        defined, and used only     linux bridges. This
                        command is kept as an upgrade tool for the
                        (very few)     people who still have such old
                        setups running.

Commands in module validate_ovirt_certs:
  validate-ovirt-certs     Validate vdsmcert.pem against cacert.pem.
                      If current cacert.pem is invalidate, it will
                      find a validate certificate     file and replace
                      the old cacert.pem with it. And then persist it.

Commands in module vdsm-id:
  vdsm-id                  Printing host uuid

vdsm: failed to execute unified_network_persistence_upgrade, error code 1
vdsm start                                                 [FAILED]

Any suggestions?

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