It looks like vdsm is trying to execute:
vdsm-tool unified_network_persistence_upgrade

But my version of vdsm-tool has it labeled as "upgrade-unified-persistence"

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 1:32 PM, Andrew Lau <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm giving the new hosted-engine feature a try with the new 3.4.0 alpha
> build on centos 6.5
> hosted-engine --deply seems to fail at the 'Environment setup"
> [ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Environment setup': Command
> '/sbin/service' failed to execute
> Within the logs I believe it seems to be related to vdsm. Logs show  "VDS
> daemon is not running"
> service vdsm start gives the following error:
> initctl: Job is already running: libvirtd
> vdsm: Running mkdirs
> vdsm: Running configure_coredump
> vdsm: Running run_init_hooks
> vdsm: Running gencerts
> vdsm: Running check_is_configured
> libvirt is already configured for vdsm
> sanlock service is already configured
> vdsm: Running validate_configuration
> SUCCESS: ssl configured to true. No conflicts
> vdsm: Running prepare_transient_repository
> vdsm: Running syslog_available
> vdsm: Running nwfilter
> vdsm: Running dummybr
> vdsm: Running load_needed_modules
> vdsm: Running tune_system
> vdsm: Running test_space
> vdsm: Running test_lo
> vdsm: Running restore_nets
> vdsm: Running unified_network_persistence_upgrade
> Usage: /usr/bin/vdsm-tool [options] <action> [arguments]
> Valid options:
>   -h, --help
> Commands in module configurator:
>   configure                Configure external services for vdsm
>   is-configured            Determine if module is configured
>   validate-config          Determine if configuration is valid
> Commands in module dummybr:
>   dummybr                  Defines dummy bridge on libvirt network.
> Commands in module load_needed_modules:
>   load-needed-modules      Load needed modules
> Commands in module nwfilter:
>   nwfilter                 Defines network filters on libvirt
> Commands in module passwd:
>   set-saslpasswd           Set vdsm password for libvirt connection
> Commands in module restore_nets:
>   restore-nets             Restores the networks to what was
>                       previously persisted via vdsm.
> Commands in module seboolsetup:
>   sebool-config       Enable the required selinux booleans
>   sebool-unconfig     Disable the required selinux booleans
> Commands in module service:
>   service-disable          Disable a system service
>   service-is-managed       Check the existence of a service
>   service-reload           Notify a system service to reload
>                       configurations
>   service-restart          Restart a system service
>   service-start            Start a system service
>   service-status           Get status of a system service
>   service-stop             Stop a system service
> Commands in module transient:
>   cleanup-transient-repository     Cleanup the unused transient disks
>                               present in the repository.     (NOTE: it
>                               is recommended to NOT execute this
>                               command when the vdsm     daemon is
>                               running)
>   setup-transient-repository     Prepare the transient disks
>                             repository
> Commands in module unified_persistence:
>   upgrade-unified-persistence     Upgrade host networking persistence
>                              from ifcfg to unified if the
>                              persistence model is set as unified in
>                              /usr/lib64/python2.X/site-packages/
>                              vdsm/
> Commands in module upgrade:
> Commands in module upgrade_300_networks:
>   upgrade-3.0.0-networks     Since ovirt-3.0, Vdsm uses libvirt
>                         networks (with names vdsm-*) to store     its
>                         own networks. Older Vdsms did not have those
>                         defined, and used only     linux bridges. This
>                         command is kept as an upgrade tool for the
>                         (very few)     people who still have such old
>                         setups running.
> Commands in module validate_ovirt_certs:
>   validate-ovirt-certs     Validate vdsmcert.pem against cacert.pem.
>                       If current cacert.pem is invalidate, it will
>                       find a validate certificate     file and replace
>                       the old cacert.pem with it. And then persist it.
> Commands in module vdsm-id:
>   vdsm-id                  Printing host uuid
> vdsm: failed to execute unified_network_persistence_upgrade, error code 1
> vdsm start                                                 [FAILED]
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Andrew
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