On 01/20/2014 08:54 AM, Karli Sjöberg wrote:
On Fri, 2014-01-17 at 16:25 +0100, cferg...@redhat.com wrote:

On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 02:49:42PM +0000, Karli Sjöberg wrote:
On Fri, 2014-01-17 at 15:39 +0100, Juan Hernandez wrote:
On 01/17/2014 03:14 PM, Karli Sjöberg wrote:
Hi Juan!

I´ve read a post you made about packaging Remote-Viewer for OS X. I
tested extracting and running this[1] package on a 10.7.5 machine,
logging in to our webadmin portal with Firefox, clicking for console on
a VM, remote-viewer starts up but doesn´t seems to load the console.vv
file (the VM´s console never shows up). Is it something I´m missing?

oVirt 3.3.1-2.el6


So Christophe, is there anything more needed to make Remote-Viewer show
my VM´s console in OS X? I mean, the application works, it starts up
just fine, it just doesn´t show my VM´s console window...

Yes this is a known issue, if you start remote-viewer foo.vv from a
terminal, it should connect. When started from a browser, the filename is
not passed in the same way as if the program was started from the command
line, and this is very specific to OSX, so this bit is not implemented.
remote-viewer patches to add support for this are very welcome ;)


Ah, I see. Yes, running:

$ /Applications/RemoteViewer.app/Contents/MacOS/RemoteViewer

Works! I haz SPICE on OSX now:) Thanks a bunch man!

Karli - since this seems to be a common question (saw it on irc several times this week) - can you please wikify vnc and spice status on OSX?

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