I'm running oVirt Engine 3.2.0-2.fc18 (which I know is out of date) on a dedicated physical host; we have 12 hosts split between two clusters and nine storage domains, all NFS.

Late last week, a VM that in the scope of our clusters consumes a lot of resources failed in migration. Since then the storage domains have from the engine's point of view been going up and down (though the underlying NFS exports are fine). Key symptoms from the oVirt Manager:

 * two of the storage domains are always marked as having type of
   "Data (Master)" when historically only one was;

 * the Manager reports "Storage Pool Manager runs on $host" then
   "Sync Error on Master Domain..." then "Reconstruct Master Domain
   ...completed" then "Data Center is being initialized" over and
   over and over again.

The Sync Error messages indicate "$pool is marked as Mater in oVirt Engine database but not on the Storage side. Please consult with Support on how to fix this issue." Note that $pool changes between the various domains that get marked as Data (Master).

Clues, anyone? I'm happy to provide logs (though they're all quite large).

Paul Heinlein
45°38' N, 122°6' W
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