On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 10:51:52AM +0200, InterNetX - Juergen Gotteswinter 
> > 2. Should I migrate from XenServer to oVirt? This is biased, I know, but
> > I would like to hear opinions. The folks with @redhat.com email
> > addresses will know how to advocate in favor of oVirt.
> in term of reliability, better stay with xenserver

Seriously, you should have provided some more insights to support your
statement. What reliability issues did you encounter in oVirt that are
not present in Xenserver?

I have deployed *several* oVirt setups since 2012 and haven't found a
single realibility issue since then. Of course, there have been some bugs,
but the oVirt project made *tremendous* progress since 2012.

- Frank
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