Em 11-05-2010 10:48, Sven Marth escreveu:
Francis Lachapelle schrieb:
Hi Marcio
On May 11, 2010, at 7:22 AM, Marcio Merlone wrote:
How can I re-create sogo tables? I dropped the database, recreated, loged in with an existing user, but they were not created.
The tables should be created automatically. Can you show us your logs?
Witch database you use? I had the same issue with mysql an InnoDB as default storage driver. Switch back to MyIsam and it should work.

Mysql, but since database is empty, no tables, no innodb nor myisam yet. I *guess* my default is innodb, but it makes no sense, since it worked once. Justo dropped and recreated the database.

Had no time yet to search the logs, will do as soon as I can.

Thanks and best regards.

Marcio Merlone


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