
(I have send this email to Invert, a month ago, but got no reply. So I hope 
this user group can help me out...)

I'm a newbee when it comes to Sogo. I run a a server for a very low level 
hosting company. It is kind of bleeding to death, as I had little time to 
manage the business, as well as I found I needed something new to offer. 
A few years ago already I sniffed at Funambol, but found that still 
something was missing as a complete service. I think Sogo could be it.

I went through the documentation and was trying to understand how to 
integrate this software in my existing system. It was here I realised I 
needed a script that can be called when I need to install a new domain, 
or upgrade an existing one.

Just to clarify the picture: I use a control panel called Hostflow 
(http://hostflow.com), that allows the customer 
to order a webhosting solution from the website, or directly from the 
Control panel. The customer selects a 
package, a domain name, and confirms. The control panel does the rest. It 
configures and provisions all services required, like postfix, apache, 
mysql, php, and so on. A user account is created so that the customer has 
access to the CP, and can upgrade, change, renew etc. The control panel 
manager box is on one server, the mail, web, DNS etc are on another 
server. The manager box can handle multiple servers.

If I was to offer Sogo as a service (free, included in whatever package 
they have), it would be an advantage to have this hands free. In other 
words, the CP manager box knows what to do when ever a customer f.ex. 
would upgrade to activate Sogo for their domain. All is database driven. 
All config parameters are stored in postgresql, and so provisioning a new 
service is done according to these parameters. No config files are diectly 
tampered with. If ever the CP manager goes down, all services will 
continue to run, and one could even manually edit the  conf files to keep 

Right now I am just exploring the possibilities. The way I see it the Sogo 
server should be installed as a unique service (just like there is only 
one apache server). So from the CP, when configuring a new server, I 
could say that server XYZ should run all packages required for a sogo 
installation. But basically no domain should be active. Then, when 
configuring a domain name with what services it should run, domain 
abc.com would have f.ex. apache, postfix, dns on servers with ID 10000 
and 10001, and Sogo on server ID 10003. A provision script then takes the 
parameters from the database, and fires of a series of install scripts.

This is f.ex. what happens when a domain is created via the Hostflow 
control panel: User accounts are created for accessing the CP. Email 
accounts are created (it here it gets interesting...). First the user 
data and email account information is stored in the database. Next 
Postfix is being provisioned from a script that reads the db info, and 
then configures Postfix where it creates the new email accounts.

You see where I am getting at? So the main question is: 

I have postfix, postgresql, mysql, php and stuff allready on my servers. 
How does Sogo fits in? Is it best to have seperate postfix mysql or other 
services for Sogo? What do you suggest?

I also need to look at how I can have the programmers from Hostflow to 
integrate and automate the provisioning of a clean server install, as 
well as provisioning per domain. I have been reading about some home brew 
scripts that automate the installation, but I rather have your 
programmers and the guys from Hostflow do the integration.

I also found a script here 

but am not sure what this is all about... It looks like a Sogo automated 
install, but not with all services required. This is something I can 
control however from the CP manager box.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

Harry M. Aasterud


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