
On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 1:59 PM, ha...@aasterud.com <ha...@aasterud.com> wrote:
> In the mean time I have been doing some research. I found it rather
> complicated to use LDAP. LDAP does not really fit in to my webhosting
> business. But I found some info saying that Sogo also can authenticate
> from MySql. As I wrote earlier, I have all my user info, domain info and
> email accounts stored in both postgresql and mysql. Is there a way to let
> these databases interact with SOGO? Any suggestions?

I'm no SOGo expert, but I do know that SOGo can play together with
MySQL and PostgreSQL.

You can for example create a view in your db that maps to your
existing user data in that database, and use that for authentication.
I did that myself with a vpopmail user database and it seems to work
fine. This is the SQL for that MySQL view I used:

CREATE VIEW sogo AS SELECT concat( pw_name, '@example.com' ) AS c_uid,
pw_name AS c_name, pw_passwd AS c_password, pw_name AS c_cn, concat(
pw_name, '@example.com' ) AS mail FROM example_com;

Hope this helps.


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