I'm not talking about windows servers. Would be nice to know when openchange 
will work on stable sogo and Ubuntu server! 

Dominique <dco...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>I used both stable and nightlies in the past to get patched versions 
>inbetween new stable releases, alternating the sources in the apt 
>sources.list file. I never uninstalled one or the other before 
>reinstalling the other one and it did not create problems. The config 
>file are kept (as it is seen as an update) and did work properly for me.
>I can not comment the openchange impact as I do not use it. Sorry no 
>windows servers for me.
>On 22/05/2012 12:44, Netwo Dist wrote:
>> Thank you for your replies boys. I have tried this nightly stuff 
>> before, it seems it superseeds the existing system packages and when 
>> you want to purge it all, it wants to remove loads and loads of 
>> standard services like apache etc.
>> If I remove my existing stable sogo and install that nightly one, will 
>> my config files be kept and will it just work?
>> Also, when is the stable to be released with openchange for 12.04? I 
>> cant wait for it really, I think it is absolutely amazing product.
>> Kind regards,
>> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 1:30 PM, Dominique <dco...@hotmail.com 
>> <mailto:dco...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
>>     Actually, there is a version for Ubuntu 12.04 lts available
>>     through apt-get: See message from Jean Raby dated April27th, 2012
>>     "Re: [SOGo] SOGo package for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS"
>>     Quote:"
>>     I've just put them online for the nightly builds:
>>     http://inverse.ca/ubuntu-nightly/pool/precise/
>>     To use them, add the following to sources.list:
>>      deb http://inverse.ca/ubuntu-nightly precise precise
>>     Then add our gpg pubkey:
>>      sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net
>>     <http://keys.gnupg.net> --recv-key 0x810273C4
>>      sudo apt-get update
>>     And install sogo:
>>      apt-get install sogo "
>>     But only for the nightly branch.
>>     Dominique
>>     On 21/05/2012 13:45, Christian Mack wrote:
>>         Hello NetwoDist
>>         On 2012-05-19 13:26, NetwoDist wrote:
>>             Is it possible to have openchange with sogo using normal
>>             repository or not? --
>>         As 2.0 is currently RC, you only can get it via mtn from the
>>         repository.
>>         When it gets stable you will get it via normal repository in
>>         Debian/RedHat format.
>>         Ubuntu 12.04 is currently not supported by SOGo/Inverse, but
>>         there is
>>         work in progress for it.
>>         So at the moment you have to wait, or use the development branch.
>>         Kind regards,
>>         Christian Mack
>>     -- 
>>     users@sogo.nu <mailto:users@sogo.nu>
>>     https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists

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