On 2012-05-30 07:04, Thomas Dilts wrote:
> I was also stuck on how to get a link to the ICS calendar to work since
> you always need the username and password. I found a similar problem in
> the user letters in the sogo archives and they suggested putting into
> cron a script to copy the calendar.ics to a public place.  Works nicely
> actually.
> Then I realized you can always include the username and password in the
> link. The format is
> http://username:passw...@mysogo.xxx/dav/user/Calendar...... It's nice to
> avoid using cron.
> In the application I am using, this technique works perfectly.  I am
> showing my calender in my wordpress web page using amr ical events
> plugin.   Take a look if you want.  http://pingsteskilstuna.se/kalender/

You also could use public calendars.
These are world accessable without authentication.

To enable these, you have to set SOGoEnablePublicAccess = YES and give
public permissions on the chosen calendar.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Christian Mack
Gruppe Informationsdienste
Rechenzentrum Universität Konstanz

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