On 12-09-08 10:21 AM, Holger Biber wrote:

I'm evaluating SOGo 2.0 for our business school (80 teachers, 2000
students) and I want to use
the native M$-Outlook compatibility.
My system is a vServer (virtual Server) with 8GB RAM, 100 GB HDD and
CentOS 5.
As I read in the installation manual I have to setup Samba with ACL.
I think you misread the docs, samba doesn't require the use of filesystem ACL. However, the imap server to which sogo will connect must have the ACL IMAP extension. (which has nothing to do with fs ACLs)

But this is the problem. In the virtual server I couldn't set ACL,
because there is just one
partition/filesystem ( /dev/vzfs on / type vzfs (rw,relatime) ).

So is it impossible to setup SOGo 2.x on a virtual Server? Or just this
Of course it is possible, we even distribute a virtual appliance for testing purposes with all the software preconfigured, see http://www.sogo.nu/english/downloads/zeg.html (SOGo ZEG v2.0.0 rc5)

I've searched at several webhoster here in Germany (hosteurope.de,
1und1.de, ...) and all
have root-servers on virtual hardware.

Thanks for any information, or perhaps tips to use SOGo with native
M$-O. on this machine.

Bye and best regards

Jean Raby
jr...@inverse.ca  ::  +1.514.447.4918 (x120) ::  www.inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence (www.packetfence.org)

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