
I'm a new admin of a SOGogo server and I have to replace Horde by SOGo.

I have the same problem.
I use an Active Directory to authenticate users and to have an address book.
Authentication and mailing is ok but I have a problem with address book.

Can you tell me if there's in the last version a mapping table only for
address book ?

I seen this option :
"ouAB" but I'm not sure this is the good solution to do what I want to make.

If I understand well :
- "mapping" permit to map fields between SOGo and LDAP/AD for all modules
If I use "mapping" the mailing system is out of order (because I map the mail
- abOU is only for address book ?
I try to use it with this parameter :

abOU = ("ou = OU=Utilisateurs,DC=mydomain,DC=fr","uid = cn", "mail =
but when I want to write a new email I've a proxy error ...

Best regards


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