Hello Charles Marcus

Am 2014-04-08 20:20, schrieb Charles Marcus:
> On 4/8/2014 1:29 PM, Charles Marcus <cmar...@media-brokers.com> wrote:
>> Ok, I've setup 4 of our users with zero problems, but I ran into one
>> that had a problem, and I can't for the life of me get him working
>> with the Contacts.
>> There is nothing special about this user, he is in the same Security
>> Group as all of the others who are working properly.
>> I see the Shared Address Books in the SOGo web UI, and when I install
>> the Connector and Integrator extensions in Thunderbird, his Calendars
>> all sync up fine, and the Shared Address Books show up, but they are
>> both empty, and say there are zero contacts in them.
>> I've tried unsubbing and resubbing the Address Books, and even tried a
>> fresh Thunderbird profile, same exact problem.
>> So... as a last resort, how do I completely wipe/reset this user in
>> the SOGo DB using the SOGo tool? 
> Ok, well... that is bizarre...
> Why doesn't SOGo care about username case?
> This one user, for some reason, had his AD login username in proper
> case. All other users have theirs in all lowercase.

AFAIK that is an AD "feature".
If your attribute is all lower case, then case doesn't matter while
But if you have different case all compares are case sensitive.

> Why the heck would this break syncing the AB's? And why would Calendars
> sync ok?
Good question!

> Unsubbing/resubbing he two shared AB's fixed those, but his Personal
> Address Book is still broken, so I guess I still need to reset him...?

What you need is sogo-tool.
It has its own package so be sure it is installed.

Perhaps you should backup this user before removing him with:
sudo -u sogo /usr/sbin/sogo-tool backup ${PATH_FOR_BACKUP_FILES}
This will create one file with all settings and data of this user.

Deleting a user from SOGo:
sudo -u sogo /usr/sbin/sogo-tool remove ${USER_LOGIN_NAME}

Kind regards,
Christian Mack
Christian Mack
Abteilung Basisdienste
KIM IT-Services
Universität Konstanz

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