I've seen numerous posts on this problem, but no resolutions.  I am installing
the SOGo backend as part of openChange.  I've created a /etc/sogo/sogo.conf file
pretty much exactly monkey-typed from the openChange cookbook
except changing the domain name.  When I run `sogod` as a non-root user I get
the error:

$ /usr/GNUstep/Local/Tools/Admin/sogod
2014-11-24 00:55:58.982 sogod[17879] File NSDictionary.m: 672. In - 
[NSDictionary initWithContentsOfFile:] Contents of file '/etc/sogo/sogo.conf'
does not contain a dictionary
<0x0x7f07242d21f0[SOGoStartupLogger]> Cannot read configuration from '/etc/
sogo/sogo.conf'. Aborting

>From what I've read, this indicates a general syntax error in the sogo.conf
file. Can someone help me figure out what that syntax error might be? Is there
any kind of `lint`, or `testparm` tool to check the syntax?

Here is my sogo.conf:

WOLogFile = /var/log/sogo.log;
WOPidFile = /var/run/sogo/sogo.pid;
SOGoTimeZone = "America/New_York";
SOGoMailDomain = hprs.local;
SOGoPasswordChangeEnabled = NO;
SOGoLanguage = English;

# Mail Preferences

SOGoAppointmentSendEmailNotifications = YES;
SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications = NO;

# Database configuration

SOGoProfileURL = 
OCSFolderInfoURL = 
OCSSessionsFolderURL = 

# Common IMAP and SMTP configuration

SOGoForceExternalLoginWithEmail = YES;

# IMAP server configuration

NGImap4ConnectionStringSeparator = ".";
SOGoIMAPAclConformsToIMAPExt = NO;
SOGoMailSpoolPath = /var/spool/sogo;
SOGoIMAPServer =;
SOGoSieveServer = sieve://;
SOGoDraftsFolderName = Drafts;
SOGoSentFolderName = Sent;
SOGoTrashFolderName = Trash;
SOGoMailShowSubscribedFoldersOnly = NO;

# SMTP server configuration

SOGoMailingMechanism = smtp;
SOGoSMTPServer =;

# Sieve configuration

SOGoVacationEnabled = YES;
SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled = YES;
SOGoForwardEnabled = YES;

# LDAP authentication
# We are going to use Samba4 Active Directory directly.

SOGoUserSources =  (
     id = sambaLogin;
     displayName = "SambaLogin";
     canAuthenticate = YES;
     type = ldap;
     CNFieldName = cn;
     IDFieldName = cn;
     UIDFieldName = sAMAccountName;
     hostname = "ldap://";;
     baseDN = "CN=Users,DC=hprs,DC=local";
     bindDN = "CN=sogo,CN=Users,DC=hprs,DC=local";
     bindPassword = "NuzIgtKovyva04in8l02";
     bindFields = (sAMAccountName);
     id = sambaShared;
     displayName = "Shared Addressbook";
     canAuthenticate = NO;
     isAddressBook = YES;
     type = ldap;
     CNFieldName = cn;
     IDFieldName = mail;
     UIDFieldName = mail;
     hostname = "ldap://";;
     baseDN = "DC=hprs,DC=local";
     bindDN = "CN=sogo,CN=Users,DC=hprs,DC=local";
     bindPassword = "NuzIgtKovyva04in8l02";
     filter = "((NOT isCriticalSystemObject='TRUE') AND (mail=\'*\') AND
(NOT objectClass=contact))";
     id = sambaContacts;
     displayName = "Shared Contacts";
     canAuthenticate = NO;
     isAddressBook = YES;
     type = ldap;
     CNFieldName = cn;
     IDFieldName = mail;
     UIDFieldName = mail;
     hostname = "ldap://";;
     baseDN = "DC=hprs,DC=local";
     bindDN = "CN=sogo,CN=Users,DC=hprs,DC=local";
     bindPassword = "NuzIgtKovyva04in8l02";
     filter = "((((objectClass=person) AND (objectClass=contact) AND 
((uidNumber>=2000) OR (mail='*')))
              AND (NOT isCriticalSystemObject='TRUE') AND (NOT 
showInAdvancedViewOnly='TRUE') AND (NOT uid=Guest))
              OR (((objectClass=group) AND (gidNumber>=2000)) AND (NOT 
isCriticalSystemObject='TRUE') AND (NOT showInAdvancedViewOnly='TRUE')))";
     mapping = {
         displayname = ("cn");

# Debug options

GCSFolderDebugEnabled = NO;
GCSFolderStoreDebugEnabled = NO;
LDAPDebugEnabled = NO;
MySQL4DebugEnabled = NO;
NGImap4DisableIMAP4Pooling = NO;
OCSFolderManagerSQLDebugEnabled = NO;
PGDebugEnabled = NO;
SOGoDebugRequests = NO;
SOGoMailKeepDraftsAfterSend = NO;
SOGoUIxDebugEnabled = NO;
SoDebugObjectTraversal = NO;
SoSecurityManagerDebugEnabled = NO;
WODontZipResponse = NO;
WODebugZipResponse = NO;

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