A couple of questions about Inverse, SOGo, Zentyl, and OpenChange....

1. How active is the collaboration between Inverse and Zentyal to fix bugs, add features, and improve performance of OpenChange and its implementation of Microsoft's Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) and Exchange Web Services (EWS) ?

I ask because there are some bugs in OpenChange having to do with EAS, which prevent SOGo's OpenChange ActiveSync features from working as a full replacement for Exchange server. Outlook users see some missing features, some performance problems and some bugs.

2. Also, what's the roadmap or status on implementing Exchange Web Services as discussed on the zentyal openchange github repo?

Many say EWS is a better bet than EAS and much less trouble to debug than the popular yet arcane and overly complicated EAS.

Also.... Outlook 2013 and newer use EWS to talk to exchange server so this EWS code would be a smart addition to OpenChange and SOGo.


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