Same here:

Am 15.04.2016 um 17:30 schrieb Chris Hastie (
I have a problem with one user's calendar. Although he seems to see it without problem, all those he has shared it with see it displayed in the Thunderbird list with a small yellow triangle and the tool tip "The calendar Dom is momentarily not available". An initial look at the SOGo logs suggested that the child process was running out of memory. I've bumped up SxVMemLimit which seems to have stopped such messages appearing, but the yellow triangle persists. At first only a subset of the user's events appeared to others, but most, if not all of them seem to have appeared now. The Thunderbird error log reports several things including a 'multiget error' and '[calCachedCalendar] replay action failed'. There doesn't appear to be much of interest in the sogo logs now the memory has been increased. The user in question is keen to keep all his historic appointments should he ever need to look back at things, so we kicked off by importing over 2000 events.

Any ideas where I should look, or how best to debug this?

Here's what turns up in the SOGo log
Apr 15 16:27:56 sogod [29268]: "REPORT /SOGo/dav/raggedstaff/Calendar/doms_personal/ HTTP/1.1" 207 66383/166 0.276 804701 91% 0 Apr 15 16:27:57 sogod [29268]: "REPORT /SOGo/dav/raggedstaff/Calendar/doms_personal/ HTTP/1.1" 207 10252/17505 0.473 84071 87% 0

and this is what turns up in TB's error console

Timestamp: 15/04/2016 11:54:47
Warning: CalDAV: Unexpected response, status: undefined, href: /SOGo/dav/raggedstaff/Calendar/doms_personal/F32755CF8F0F44B68E008D5764933E100 calendar-data:

Source File: file:///C:/Users/raggedstaff/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/toln8gbb.default/extensions/%7Be2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103%7D/calendar-js/calDavRequestHandlers.js
Line: 935
Timestamp: 15/04/2016 11:54:50
Warning: CalDAV: Get failed: multiget error
Source File: file:///C:/Users/raggedstaff/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/toln8gbb.default/extensions/%7Be2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103%7D/components/calDavCalendar.js
Line: 1213
Timestamp: 15/04/2016 11:54:50
Error: [calCachedCalendar] replay action failed: null, uri=, result=2147500037, op=[xpconnect wrapped calIOperation] Source File: file:///C:/Users/raggedstaff/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/toln8gbb.default/extensions/%7Be2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103%7D/calendar-js/calCachedCalendar.js
Line: 322
Timestamp: 15/04/2016 11:54:50
Warning: There has been an error reading data for calendar: Dom. However, this error is believed to be minor, so the program will attempt to continue. Error code: 0x80004005. Description: multiget error Source File: file:///C:/Users/raggedstaff/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/toln8gbb.default/extensions/%7Be2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103%7D/calendar-js/calCalendarManager.js
Line: 960
Timestamp: 15/04/2016 11:54:50
Warning: There has been an error reading data for calendar: Dom. However, this error is believed to be minor, so the program will attempt to continue. Error code: READ_FAILED. Description: Source File: file:///C:/Users/raggedstaff/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/toln8gbb.default/extensions/%7Be2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103%7D/calendar-js/calCalendarManager.js
Line: 960




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