On Tue, Dec 21, 2004 at 10:08:50AM -0800, Gary W. Smith wrote:
> I just got an email back from Joel.  At least he is responsive.
> Apparently he did reach out and touch the community.  He apparent asked
> the core development team.  Unfortunately it was a narrow vision
> community skipping everyone else.

That is very interesting.  Did he happen to mention how he tried to
ask the core development team?  As a member of the core development
team, I'm 99.9% sure he didn't ask me.  No sign of any email from Joel
in any of my mail for the last six months.  Maybe it got caught as

I find it hard to believe that anyone would have trouble contacting
the core development team considering all of the recent press we have
received.  Numerous reporters and press contacts have managed to get a
mail to the core development team and we have been very responsive.

But you're right, oh well, water under the bridge and all that good
stuff.  I didn't read the whole article, but I've seen several reports
of the inaccuracies and omissions of the article so I doubt it is
worth it.


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