Sir, with all due respect, your extreme arrogance is exceptionally off putting. You imagine a problem. Then demand it be solved damn the consequences. You imagined the wrong problem. So your non-solution is doomed. Systemic racism is in YOUR head not MY head. Respect is in MY head. I am not sure it is in your head. Respect is the social lubricant you need not stupid word changes. It is sad you do not see this. And your sublime arrogance about it is rather off putting.


On 20200714 09:24:42, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
We'll have to agree to disagree.  To me it is clearly racially charged language and you are cherry picking your sources.  Here's a well researched and documented article from a medical journal on the topic with expert citations:  The abstract says it very well: "This commentary addresses the widespread use of racist language in discussions concerning predatory publishing. Examples include terminology such as blacklists, whitelists, and black sheep. The use of such terms does not merely reflect a racist culture, but also serves to legitimize and perpetuate it."

I am proud to say I voted for this issue and support it as social issue, not a political issue.  However, I didn't do so unilaterally because that's not how projects at Apache work.

When the time comes for a 4.0 release, we, meaning the project management commitment, will follow our well documented voting procedures to create and approve a release announcement.  I have no interest in causing strife but if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, I will call it a duck.
Kevin A. McGrail
Member, Apache Software Foundation
Chair Emeritus Apache SpamAssassin Project - 703.798.0171

On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 11:49 AM Rupert Gallagher < <>> wrote:

     > racially-charged nature of blacklist

    There is no such thing.

    Black list originates from black book, that is a book with white pages and
    black cover, with black ink, where sins are listed in haven for you to be
    judged upon.

    On the colour of the cover, it is black because that's how old leather turns
    out to be.

    On the colour of ink, try writing white ink on black paper if you can...

    Stop using SA to push your political agenda. When v4 comes out, do not dare
    writing that *we* decided to *change* blacklist into blocklist because of
    the "racially-charged nature" of it, because it is not, because we said so,
    and because you are forcing it.

    Have the courage to put your own name under your own decision, do not blame
    us for it.

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