Matt wrote:
Just to clarify here.... You are talking about doing something like:   1200   IN   MX   10   1200   IN   MX    50

You all are saying that most of the spam should be coming in MX 50 right?

I have to admit I've tried this, but it seems like mail continues to
come into the MX 50 even when the primary servers are available.    Is
it not correct that the 50 should NOT be tried until the 10 is
unavailable?  Or do I have that backwards?

You have it right. Spammers seem to think the lowest priority MX will
have fewer controls. This can work to your advantage. Our lowest MX gets
more mail traffic than our highest, but it is 90%+ spam. I have long
wait greylisting, account verification, RBLs out the ying yang. The
server is an old Sparc 20 running a minimum of smtp listeners. It
practically takes a handwritten note from Jesus to get a message
delivered through the server.

All that traffic is not connecting to my primary mail gateway ;^)


Three years now I've asked Google why they don't have a
logo change for Memorial Day. Why do they choose to do logos
for other non-international holidays, but nothing for

Maybe they forgot who made that choice possible.

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