Le 13/12/2010 10:38, Martin Gregorie a écrit :
On Mon, 2010-12-13 at 08:17 +0100, Per Jessen wrote:
mouss wrote:

the sample posted by Michelle came to her via a debian list. debian
lists are open (no subscription required) and thus attract a lot of

And whilst invitations such as those broadcasted are annoying, they're
not _really_ spam, are they?

As others have said, it depends who sent it and why. Invitations sent
specifically by people who know you aren't spam, but I've heard it said
several times that Facebook auto-generates invitations from contact
lists uploaded by new members and in my book that's definitely spam.

no, that's not spam. that's stupid friends behaviour.
if your friend says "hey Facebook, please send an invitation to all my frinds, and here are their addresses", then facebook isn't doing much more than outlook, thunderbird or a script.

if you define spam in a too large way, you will lose some of us. feel free to go the vigilante way. but keep in mind: if you make everybody your ennemie, you'll have little chance to win.

if we spam fighters start saying that everybody doing business is a spammer, and that everybody sending mail without having a phd in smtp is spammer, ... then we're gonna lose. we might lose together, but that's a "small together".

Facebook does it, I bet other disreputable social networks do too.

the most serious problem with all these is that they send invitations to adresses who have never tried to register (I was about to say non-members, but realised this would be restrictive).

I believe this is wrong. but unfortunately, It's just an opinion. if all human beings were to vote, I'll lose.

Is there any way to distinguish between the two types of invitation?

which "two" types?
when I get an "addr book disclosure" invitation, I simply ignore it. there's nothing I can do about it. I gave my address to someone and that one gave it out. I am not going to make my adress secret, because it would be useless. and I am not going to use per-peer address, because that doesn't work (unless you only know people who don't know each other).

let's fight spam, not our pen pals... because if you fight everybody, you're gonna get tired very soon;-p

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