Hello Guys,

Today I found issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TAP5-2023
Short version is that a specific locale (zh_CN) produces an exception in 
conjunction with field validators because some messages don't use indexed 
format parameters.

The work-around we thought of until this is fixed in tapestry is to suppress 
the specific locale (zh_CN) and only allowing local "zh". Of course, this means 
that our texts will be translated but tapestry's messages won't be. We can make 
do with this at the moment but it does raise the question of whether or not 
there is any way to "overwrite" T5s already translated messages? If there is 
not, can I kindly request this feature because if this had happened with locale 
"de" or some other important top-level locale we would be in a very, very bad 
situation right now.

Kind Regards, Wulf

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