When you create a tapestry project using maven's archtype, it creates the
below request filter (slightly modified) to log how much time each request

// Service building
public RequestFilter buildTimingFilter(final Logger log) {
    return new RequestFilter() {
        public boolean service(Request request, Response response,
RequestHandler handler) throws IOException {
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            try {
                // The responsibility of a filter is to invoke the
corresponding method
                // in the handler. When you chain multiple filters
together, each filter
                // received a handler that is a bridge to the next filter.
                return handler.service(request, response);
            } finally {
                long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
                if (TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(elapsed) >= 10) {
                    log.warn(String.format("Request time: %d ms", elapsed));

// Service contribution
public void contributeRequestHandler(OrderedConfiguration<RequestFilter>
configuration, @Local RequestFilter filter) {
    // Each contribution to an ordered configuration has a name, When
necessary, you may
    // set constraints to precisely control the invocation order of the
contributed filter
    // within the pipeline.
    configuration.add("Timing", filter);

>From there, if you find a pattern for requests coming from bots, you can
drop these requests if that suits you. This way these bots will also learn
that the links they are requesting doesn't exists anymore and will
eventually stop bothering you, if they are smart enough !


On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 10:08 PM, Nicolas Bouillon <nico...@bouillon.net>wrote:

> Dear all,
> I'm working on a e-commerce website in Tapestry 5 since a couple of years
> and we are making our website evolving constantly, adding some features and
> changing stuff here and there.
> I'm closely monitoring application logs but i'm very annoyed by robots who
> reminds some URLs that are not valid anymore.
> For example, they remind (or follow old links) to webpages that used to be
> coded in PHP and where the URL contained special chars, not allowed in
> Tapestry URLs. Or those spiders try to access an URL of a grid pager event,
> but the Grid component is not there anymore (or has a different name). Each
> of those hit generate a log.error message, and that hide the important
> errors messages inside many noise. (I know, "Cool URI don't change", but
> for page events, it could be quite had to keep old URLs...)
> The error log is something like that :
> org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.UnknownValueException: Component
> product/domain/PriceList does not contain embedded component 'v3grid'.
> It's seems to be too wide to ignore totally "UnknownValueException" log
> appender, because it might hide real mistakes in the web application.
> Is there a way to avoid this kind of behavior ? How do you treat error logs
> from your applications ?
> Thanks.
> Nicolas.

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