On Nov 25, 2008, at 3:35 PM, hel-o wrote:

> vmassol wrote:
>>> Since 1.6 creating headings in the old WYSIWYG-Editor creats html-
>>> Headings
>>> Heading 1 -> <h1>Text</h1>
>>> Heading 2 -> <h2>Text</h2>
>>> ....
>>> The result is that some functions (e.g. Toc macro) don't work  
>>> anymore.
>>> Is it planned to fix that? or is there no more development for the  
>>> old
>> Well someone reported this but it was closed as it was another
>> problem. Do you have a jira issue for this?
> No i don't have a jira issue. Is somewhere information what problem  
> that was
> or am i the only one with that problem.
> vmassol wrote:
>>> The new looks great but has not the functionality of the old one
>>> (yet?)
>> In order for us to focus on what's needed most, what are you missing
>> in the new rendering that you would need to use it?
> Just looked at 1.7m3 and if i'm not mistaken theres no table, and no  
> include
> image or attachment function
> and the new link feature is not that elaborated as in the old WYSIWYG.
> In the proposal für the new WYSIWYG-GUI all this functions are  
> included
> http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Design/NewWysiwygEditorInterface

Oh I thought you were talking about the new rendering (which already  
has everything you mentioned), not the WYSIWYG editor... Yes the  
WYSIWYG editor is currently lagging a bit behind.

> Is there a plan, road-map ... for the implementation or information  
> what
> features are implemented now?

The plan for 1.7 final is to have:
* link insertion/edition/removal (already done)
* table insertion/edition/removal (already done - some bugs to fix)
* image insertion/edition/removal (work just starting today)
* only view support for macros (no insertion/edition yet, that's for  

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