Thanks Guillaume,

You're right - I don't. I suspected that might be the issue, but hoped
there's a way around it. Shall I send someone the list of pages that needs
to be saved with programming rights? Or is there a way I can programming
obtain rights for myself?
Also, I think there may be another issue - the code that sets privileges on
the pages is common to several sections, so I refactored it into a script
page I include in the classSheets for various classes:
I'm worried that the macros on this page are not evaluated when a new page /
object is created.

I have a feeling that the right way to go about this is by adding some
helper classes in Java, rather than hacking it in Velocity. But again, I do
not have the privileges to do that. If other people find this issue
relevant, I'm happy to contribute my time towards a generic, stable

A reminder: the core of the problem is that I want to allow users to create
objects (and respective pages) in a space, and to have ownership over those
objects / pages, but without giving them overall edit rights on the space.

 Yishay Mor, Researcher, London Knowledge Lab
  +44-20-78378888 x5737

> From: "Guillaume Lerouge" <>
> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] chicken & egg / catch 21 problem
> To: "XWiki Users" <>
> Message-ID:
>        <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 6:59 PM, Sergiu Dumitriu <> wrote:
> > Yishay Mor wrote:
> > >
> > > Ideally, I would like to either:
> > > * have a separate"create" column in the rights editor, which will allow
> > > users to create a new object and give them edit rights over it.
> > > * have a script attached to the current create form which would do the
> > same.
> > > Currently that doesn't work unless the user invoking the form already
> has
> > > edit rights.
> > >
> >
> > Hint: saveWithProgrammingRights
> >
> You'll probably need to help him sicne I'm not sure Yishay is an Admin on
> the master wiki on, thus he probably cannto save the page with
> programming rights, can he Sergiu ?
> Guillaume
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