
I am Silvia Rusu (http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/SilviaRusu) 
and I have joined the XWiki Iasi team this week as a tester and 
documentation writer.

As a tester my role will be to uncover any issues and inconsistencies 
that might affect the products you love developing/using.
I will also be talking to our project managers, product manager and 
mailing list users in order to find out more about our customers 
expectations and needs. Taking this into consideration I will come up 
with suggestions on how to improve user experience.

As a documentation writer I will make sure users who aren't familiar 
with XWiki discover what the products do in order to take advantage of 
their features. In the process I will be making sure all user-facing 
features are well documented on XWIki.org, writing user guides, creating 
videos explaining how to use features, etc.

I am happy to be joining XWiki and hope this will develop into a very 
successful collaboration.

You can find me online on Twitter at http://twitter.com/silviarusu. 
Should you have any suggestions regarding testing and documentation 
please feel free to contact me by email at silvia.r...@xwiki.com.

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