+1 16


On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 19:02, Sergiu Dumitriu <ser...@xwiki.com> wrote:

> Hello XWiki Community,
> We're still looking for the new XWiki.org logo. First of all, many
> thanks to all those who submitted their ideas (
> http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Community/LogoChallenge ). After the
> first round of votes (digest here:
> http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ah6DqXzfHT2vdHV5Ty1LX3lKU3U5V3M4YmNFSXEzcVE&hl=en
> ),
> we chose 6 "popular" proposals for the second round:
> http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Community/LogoChallengeRound2 .
> The authors of these proposals were asked to do the following, if not
> already done for round 1:
>     * try to integrate any constructive feedback that came with the
> votes (a digest of the feedback from the emails is available for each
> proposal on
> http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Community/LogoChallengeRound2 )
>     * polish the design (if they consider it necessary)
>     * provide the requested variations for .org, enterprise and office
>     * provide samples for light and dark background
>     * provide a black&white version
>     * provide a 16X16 icon containing the logo or a representative part
> of the logo
>     * provide a nice "Powered by XWiki" button that goes with the logo
>     * provide a mockup/screenshot with the logo used in the current
> skin, colibri
> For most of the finalist logos, the _final_ versions were already
> uploaded here:
> http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Community/LogoChallengeRound2 .
> For those who were not updated, we will use the initial submissions
> for round 2 as well,
> and voters will have to use their imagination in case
> any of the required use cases is missing.
> You can send your vote on the mailing list (d...@xwiki.org or
> users@xwiki.org), in reply to this email. No twitter votes this time.
> Each voter can grant a whole +1 to only one of the 6 finalists
> (
> http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Community/LogoChallengeRound2#HFinalistproposals
> ).
> IMPORTANT: Before choosing a logo based on your personal preference,
> please try to also ask yourself the following questions:
>     * Is it distinctive? Note that it should not resemble other logos,
> including the XWiki SAS/xwiki.com logo.
>     * Is it easy to remember and recognize?
>     * Does it blend in smoothly with the Colibri skin? With the new
> XWiki.org skin? Note that adjustments to the skin is possible, in order
> to better integrate with the logo.
>     * Is the design scalable? Could it (or parts of it) be
> successfully used in a 16X16 icon? Would it look good on a very large
> poster?
>     * Can it be used (as it is, or adapted) on both light and dark
> backgrounds?
>     * What would it look like in black and white (not just grayscale)?
> It's ok if some details are lost, but it needs to still look
> attractive and keep the main features.
> 08/Apr/10 : Beginning of second round of votes on d...@xwiki.org,
> users@xwiki.org
> 11/Apr/10 : End of votes
> Thanks,
> --
> Sergiu Dumitriu
> http://purl.org/net/sergiu/
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