On Sep 1, 2010, at 8:00 PM, Erica Usui wrote:

> The code i'm using is:
> 1.1 Grupo ITO
> {table}
> Usuário|NOME|Empresa
> #set($sql = "select obj.name,prop.value from BaseObject obj,
> StringProperty prop where obj.className='XWiki.XWikiGroups' and
> obj.name!='XWiki.XWikiGroupTemplate' and prop.name='member' and
> obj.id=prop.id.id")
> #foreach ($row in $xwiki.search($sql))
> #foreach ($item in $row)
>   #if ($velocityCount==1)
>     #set($group=$item)
>   #elseif ($velocityCount==2)
>     #set($member=$item)
>   #end
> #end
> #set($memberDoc=$xwiki.getDocument($member))
> #if ($member != "" && $group=="XWiki.ITO")
>    [$member] | $!memberDoc.get("first_name") $!memberDoc.get("last_name")
> |$!memberDoc.get("company")
> #end
> #end
> {table}
> 1.1 Grupo de administradores desta wiki
> {table}
> Usuário|NOME|Empresa
> #set($sql = "select obj.name,prop.value from BaseObject obj,
> StringProperty prop where obj.className='XWiki.XWikiGroups' and
> obj.name!='XWiki.XWikiGroupTemplate' and prop.name='member' and
> obj.id=prop.id.id")
> #foreach ($row in $xwiki.search($sql))
> #foreach ($item in $row)
>   #if ($velocityCount==1)
>     #set($group=$item)
>   #elseif ($velocityCount==2)
>     #set($member=$item)
>   #end
> #end
> #set($memberDoc=$xwiki.getDocument($member))
> #if ($member != "" && $group=="XWiki.XWikiAdminGroup")
>    [$member] | $!memberDoc.get("first_name") $!memberDoc.get("last_name")
> |$!memberDoc.get("company")
> #end
> #end
> {table}
> When i save with my user, who has all possible rights, i get no outcome. But
> when saving the page as superadmin, i get the expected result.

Are you 100% sure your user is a user of the main wiki and that is has 
programming rights on the main wiki?


> 2010/9/1 Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net>
>> Hi Erica,
>> On Aug 12, 2010, at 8:20 PM, Erica Usui wrote:
>>> Hello! :)
>>> I'm trying some velocity code on a farm, but it just works for superadmin
>>> user, even though my user is registred on the main wiki, and have all
>>> possible rights.
>> That's strange. If the code requires programming rights and the page was
>> saved with a user having programming rights on the main wiki of the farm
>> then any user should get the code executed correctly.
>> Could you show us more about the code you have?
>>> And i'm also trying to import Space explorer application, it didn't work
>> on
>>> the farm; i've imported it on the main wiki... This application works in
>> all
>>> wikis, but not farms.
>> I cannot comment on this one since I haven't tried it on a farm.
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>>> Can anyone help me?
>>> :(

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