
a collegue has now invested what happens in the Javascript parts:
the search field works correct on every page the user has no rights to
edit. In the other case the method from xwiki.js, which is used for
the registration of the event handler, is called while the input-Element
is not available in the DOM tree.
We hope this helps further investigation.

Best wishes

Werner Greßhoff

Am 09.11.2010 09:55, schrieb Werner Greßhoff:
> Hi Ricardo,
> I'v installed XEM 2.4.30467 and tested in XEM 2.5 as well. And yes,
> colibri is the skin.
> We're using a path based farm and, as I said, the main wiki is ok,
> it's just thevirtual wikis with the problems. Perhaps I've misconfigured
> the Apache server running in front of Tomcat?!
> The browser is Firefox (Linux and Windows) but other browsers don't work
> as well. What I'm just observing is, before I log in the click in the
> search field works as expected! That's excluding Apache misconfiguration
> but perhaps it's a rights problem? Already observed that when we changed
> the colours...
> Best wishes and thanks for the help
> Werner
> Am 04.11.2010 20:52, schrieb [Ricardo Rodriguez] eBioTIC.:
>> Hi!
>> Werner Greßhoff wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I've installed a wiki farm and observed a minor problem:
>>> in the main wiki, when I click in the standard search textfield, the
>>> text ("search...") vanishes. In my virtual wikis it doesn't.
>>> This is the tag (absolutely identical):
>>> <input class="globalsearchinput withTip" id="headerglobalsearchinput"
>>> name="text" value="search..." size="15" type="text">
>>> The text field from the panel is working fine (everywhere).
>> I guess you are using colibri as skin. Please, what XE/XEM release are
>> you using?
>> I'm only have a XE/XEM 2.4.30451 here and can't reproduce the error
>> (Firefox, Safari and OmniWeb on Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6 here)
>> Same tag:
>> <input type="text" size="15" value="a buscar..." name="text"
>> id="headerglobalsearchinput" class="globalsearchinput withTip">
>> Cheers,
>> Ricardo
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