Hi Caty,

On my side I'd like to work on improving the content for the homepage,
the reference pages and testimonial page. I could also help on
creating/improving content on the other landing pages.


On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 9:05 PM, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)
<vali...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Some time ago we discussed [1] a proposal
> http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Improvements/XWikiOrgProposal2
> about changing the way our community website (www.xwiki.org) looks like
> (improved homepage, improved navigation, new logo [2], new skin, community
> wiki [3], etc.).
> Since then there have been some small collaborative efforts to make this new
> site come true and I want to thank for their help to Sergiu Dumitriu, Marta
> Girdea, Jean-Vincent Drean, Raluca Stavro, Vincent Massol, Silvia Rusu,
> Raluca Moisa, Stefan Orzu and all the people that gave feedback.
> In order to speed up the process we also created a development wiki
> http://newxwiki.xwiki.org/
> where you can log in with your xwiki.org credentials and work on the
> improvements you want to make. After the work is finished it will be ported
> to xwiki.org. This way you can experiment the way your code looks like and
> behaves without interfering with the live site.
> Also me and Silvia created a planning for the development of the new site
> http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Improvements/XWikiOrgPlanning
> and we have split it into 4 stages. We are currently in Stage 1 of the
> development.
> Each entry has it own link with more information/mockups/code about the
> feature. Also features that have been started have also a JIRA issue
> attached to them.
> We would be very happy if the community could get involved in helping us
> making this happen. We still need work on deciding the content for some
> sections, we need better design proposals for some elements and we need lots
> of implementation work to make everything a reality.
> If you want to participate you should pick something from the planning and
> announce it on this thread so that we know what feature is taking care of.
> Thank you,
> Caty
> References:
> [1] [Proposal] XWiki.org horizontal navigation + home page
> http://markmail.org/thread/tfmrludhw2yh5tcn
> [2] [Proposal] XWiki.org Logo Challenge - Round 2
> http://xwiki.markmail.org/thread/pkdd5kijpt2yqeph
> [3] [Proposal] XWiki.org Community Page
> http://markmail.org/thread/b3pctp2kepcprfaf
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