Maybe not.  Sierra Leone seems to be officially Imperial according to this 
article, but at least they are working on it.
If only we had the courage to repeal and replace, instead of officially 
maintaining the mess known as "dual."
After the first and second reading of the bill entitled Weight and Measures Act 
2009 by the Minister of Trade and Industry Hon. David Carew, the House of 
Parliament on Tuesday 1st June 2010 unanimously consented to send the bill to 
the Legislative Committee for more deliberations and scrutiny. 
Earlier the minister had convinced the Honorable House that the Bill is 
intended to repeal and replace the Imperial System of Measurement as well as 
validate the use of the Metric System for measurement based on the 
International System of Units to provide for the comparison and verification or 
weight and measures, and to also provide for other related matters. He said the 
Ordinance Act that was passed into law in the 1961 has become obsolete for the 
growing economy, adding that Sierra Leone being one of the few countries still 
stuck to the old law, the need was there to pass this new law. . . .

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