It is version 2.5 because it has been production tested on quite a few
machines with no problems.  As for configuration definitions for where
the qmail-remote binary is; it is a good idea, but currently, we are
too busy to continue work on that package at this time.  We, of course,
are always looking for contributed code. :)  Documentation takes a lot
of time on our part, and we simply didnt have it for the production of
this software.  The installation process is not very difficult, and
someone with minimal administration skills should be able to get it

Ryan Hayle wrote:
> Well, if anyone is curious, I fixed this problem myself.  I managed to see
> that the source was looking for /var/qmail/bin/qmail-remote specifically.
> This really needs to be defined in the conf file or something, as it is not
> standard on a debian system, I don't know about others.  I solved it by just
> symlinking from that dir to /usr/sbin where qmail-remote is located, and now
> all works very well.  Having a simple check for the presence of this
> executable would be nice, though, so it could give a more specific error
> message like "Unable to locate qmail-remote" or something.
> Incidentally, why is this version 2.5?  It seems like it's more alpha
> quality right now, just due to all these little issues and lack of
> documentation, configure script, etc.  I would fix all these before having a
> "1.0" release.  Just a thought...
> Thanks,
> Ryan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ryan Hayle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, 03 May, 2001 16:17
> Subject: vQregister: "Delivery error: Child execution failed"
> Hi all,
> I just tried to install vQregister...  Despite the complete lack of
> documentation or even a simple INSTALL file, I figured everything out and it
> seemed to compile very smoothly.  I even created the database, tables, and
> fields in my vqregister.conf, and I linked the db_mysql.* files
> appropriately.  Despite all this, it does not seem to work, and I'm not sure
> where to go to troubleshoot it.  When I go to the CGI, it shows the default
> template, and when I try to register an account, it comes back with:
> Email delivery to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed
> Delivery error: Child execution failed
> Has anyone else experienced this problem?  Suggestions for trying to fix it
> or debug it?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ryan

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