On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 8:26 AM, Nicolas Huillard <nico...@huillard.net> wrote:
> Another thing I've learned is that Klaus never (AFAIK) discussed roadmap
> details or made his own task list public ;-)

Yeah, that too.  Which has driven some of us crazy but I can't
honestly say I'd be any different if I were Klaus.  There's something
about setting your own schedule/priorities that's more appealing then
answering to peoples expectations.  The good news is that he's willing
to shuffle the TODO list if there's more urgent things to take care
(as with HDTV and h264 support for example).

Like I said, I've ran mostly dev versions of VDR for years with little
to no problems but be advised that your experience may vary.

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