Anyone got any mac tips like this?  I find that since I started videoblogging, my hard drive is ALWAYS full.  Anyone got any Mac voodoo?  Aside from the old trash preferences/permissions/zap the pram type thing...


On 25-Oct-05, at 6:47 PM, Jake Ludington wrote:

>  This is the same thing I want to do to my laptop. I want to do video,
> and not much else. I want the HDD space for videos, a browser, an
> aggreator, a file converter, and a movie maker(maybe two, QT and MS
> Moviemaker). I don't know squat @.exe's, etc. Any ideas out there?

I wouldn't concentrate too much on eliminating Windows components, although
you can certainly cut down on some of them. The space savings you'll achieve
are minimal. 

One place to free up space is to delete all the archived uninstall folders
for various service packs and hotfixes. These are located in the Windows
directory and will show up in Blue. The folder names look like:

The only thing these folders do is provide a roll back for patches. In most
cases you'll never need them.

Removing Optional Components

Go to Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel. Click on the button for
Add/Remove Windows Components. Browse through the list and uncheck things
you don't need (don't remove Networking components, Update Certificates or
Windows Media Player).

Uninstall Extra Programs

Scan through the Add or Remove Programs list for apps you don't need. Laptop
vendors frequently install games and trial versions of stuff you won't ever

If you really don't plan on doing anything but video with your laptop,
uninstall things like IM clients.

What will have a bigger impact on your video editing experience is making
sure your system is optimized for capture and editing. Awhile back I put
together a hit list of 8 things to do to help prevent dropped frames during
video capture. All are good for optimizing for video in general:

Jake Ludington

Individual Fireant Use


Brett Gaylor


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