I produce a show called Eclectic News Brief (eclecticnewsbrief.com)
and have recently stepped up production to about two shows per week. I
am looking for video content to use as background and foreground
footage which is unrelated to the topic of the show. I'm looking for
provocative and bizzare footage, preferably original content.

The show gets a nice sized audience so your reward for letting me use
your content would be a free promotion for your own vlog.  Please have
a look at some of the past episodes to see the kind of thing I'm
looking for. The weirder the better.  

I think this is a great way for fringy vloggers. (i.e. weirdos like
me) to gain audience.

Any questions and submissions, please email me [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Kind Regards 
Richard Bluestein

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